Everyone is always telling creators to launch a course.
You see it everyday on every social platform: "You should launch a course on this!"
But what if you shouldn't...?
Courses can be the ultimate freedom hack.
I even ranked them extremely highly on our freedom and price scale in our deep dive ranking specific offers you can sell in your newsletter.
Just look at Justin Welsh:
- $2.3M in 2023 with 2 courses.
- $1.6M in 2024 with 1 course launch.
But what about the other creators?
The ones that launch a course and don't make ANY sales at all?
The ones that were told they should make a course on a topic and spend hours and hours creating it for no one to ever watch?
A lot of the bigger creators will tell you to sell it before you make it.
And that's AMAZING advice.
You should do that...
(And if you'd like, you can even use my deep dive on how to run a successful product launch to help you.)
But what about before you even have the leverage to do that?
Before you have enough email subscribers to really test properly?
My answer: Low Ticket Offers.
Low Ticket Offers allow you to not only learn from your audience, BUT...
They also allow you to earn some money on your followers who may not be ready to spend $100-$1000+ just yet.
Low Ticket Offers allow you to:
- Earn: Make some money right at the top of your funnel as subscribers find your content.
- Learn: Test different low ticket offers to see what your audience really needs (and is willing to pay for!)
- Confirm: Confirm to your audience that you are going to be providing value and drive them up your value ladder for future products.
In this one we're going to be breaking down some of the low ticket offers used by the world's top newsletter creators to help you Earn, Learn and Confirm.
Here are a few of my favorite Low Ticket Offers we'll be covering:
- eBooks
- Templates
- Workshops
- Mini Courses
- Paid Newsletters
There are definitely A LOT more than just these few, but these are the handful that stood out in my research on the top creators.
Note: An argument could be made that a community could also be considered "Low Ticket" at the monthly rate, but I will be including that in Mid Ticket Offers being that Paid Newsletters will be hitting on that lower pricing tier.

The most obvious place to start is books and eBooks.
Books are one of the ultimate ways to start your value ladder, not necissarily because they'll make you a ton of money, but because they'll build a ton of authority and trust with your audience.
Some great examples of books doing this for some of the world's top creators are:
- Tim Ferriss
- Ramit Sethi
- James Clear
- Amy Porterfield
- Russell Brunson
Among so many others.
And creators like Codie Sanchez, Noah Kagan and Justin Moore know this and are getting on board with book deals of their own.
But these aren't the creators we're going to be looking at.
We're going to be looking at the creators who are levering eBooks specifically, because this is something you can do without a book deal.
Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush
I want to start with Nicolas Cole because he actually has multiple print books, and says his book "The Art and Business Of Writing Online" was one of the main drivers of multiple millions online.
BUT, him and Dickie Bush know the power of eBooks and still have them within their value ladder.
As you can see in the image above, Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush have one of their welcome offers (which means you see it directly after subscribing to one of their newsletters) as a bundle offering both:
- The Art and Business of Online Writing
- The 22 Laws of Digital Writing
This is a limited time offer with a time limit attached (creating urgency and scarcity) that is 60% off, bringing the bundle from $45 down to $19.
And a powerful way to bring their audience into their value ladder
Note: In our next section we're going to discuss Templates and Failory (Nico Cerdeira) is going to be one of the newsletter creators we look at. But, I want to shoutout the fact that he also has an eBook in his product suite, priced at $15.
Bonus Note: Low Ticket Offers are also an amazing way to leverage what is called "The Foot In The Door Technique".
The Foot In The Door Technique: A psychological persuasion strategy where someone starts with a small request or interaction to build trust and engagement. Once a user has taken this initial step you then aim to make larger requests which is more likely to be accepted.
Bonus Note: Another variation of this is getting a newsletter sign up (free request), which is followed up by a low ticket offer like we're discussing.

Templates could be a handful of different things, so I wanted to give a few different examples, and also even add "Lists" and other smaller categories in here.
We'll be taking a look at two different products ranging from $25-$50 price range, which both fall into low ticket range and are great places for these creators to start their value ladder while delivering problem-solving-value at a smaller price point.
Cat Muvihill
For our first example I want to discuss Cat Muvihill's Steam Deck Essentials that she sells for $39 (shown in the above image on the left).
The reason why I love this example (outside of the fact that it's such a fun and unique offer), is because it can also fall into the "Mini Course" category that we'll be discussing below.
Cat gives you "short and practical lessons" on how to master your Steam Deck setup, and then also provides icon and templates to "Customize the look and feel of your Stream Deck with icons & icon templates."
You get everything you need to get started with your Steam Deck in a quick and actionable way (which is hard to come by nowadays) for just $39.
It's a win-win for both Cat and her value ladder, and her audience.
Failory (Nico Cerdeira)
Nico Cerdeira runs a newsletter called Failory, and has a product suite of 4 different products ranging from $15-$250.
He also makes a good amount of money from newsletter sponsorships.
As I mentioned above, he sells an eBook (which is priced at $15), but what I want to focus on for this section is actually a list he sells for $25-$50 (shown in the above image on the right).
Nico's list/sheet contains "all the information about the top 1,190 unicorns, including their valuation, HQ's location, founded year, name of founders, funding amount and number of employees."
This is an amazing example of curating something that you'd use for yourself, but then turning it into a low ticket offer that is also valuable for your audience.

Workshops are also sometimes referred to as Masterclasses, and sometimes even function as Webinars.
And then you can name them a bunch of different things (like we'll see from Jay Clouse in this example) which really muddies the waters even more.
BUT, they are extremely powerful and there are a lot of different things you can do with them; so I'm definitely not skipping over them just because there are so many variations.
For this one we're going to be looking at two of Jay Clouse's products:
- Creator Catalyst
- Community Building Crash Course
And both of them are going to fall under our Low Ticket Offer Workshop umbrella.
Jay's Community Building Crash Course is a 60 minute workshop, and his Creator Catalyst is a 90 minute workshop.
As you can see, he then breaks down exactly what you'll learn in each of them.
Each of these products sell for just $39, and you're getting a ton of value for a very specific need.
Another awesome way to start your value ladder.
But let's take it a step further and discuss some fun things you can do with workshops and masterclasses....
Free VS. Paid VS. Hybrid Workshops
One unique thing workshops (or masterclasses) allow for is double (or even triple) dipping.
For example, let's say you have a paid community that you host expert interviews or live workshops for.
Workshops would allow you to:
- Run your live workshop or expert interview for your paying community members (included in their membership as a benefit).
- Run your live workshop or expert interview as a "Paid Workshop", enabling you to sell it to your audience who isn't in your community to attend live.
- Package up your workshop or expert interview and sell it like we see Jay Clouse selling his workshops above; used as low ticket offers at the top of your funnel.
If that doesn't show the power of repurposing and "triple" dipping, I don't know what does!

Mini Courses
Courses have so much depth.
So yes, I mentioned Low Ticket Offers as a great place to start before launching a "Core Offer" video course when we first started this deep dive, but you can actually still launch a low ticket version of a course and have a great start to your value ladder.
Mini Courses allow you to still Earn, Learn and Confirm - without the added hours into creating the full course that would fall into the Mid Ticket Offer category.
For this one, though, I actually want to take a look at the way two larger creators (Matt Gray and Codie Sanchez) use Mini Courses in their product suite as Low Ticket Offers that start their funnel.
Matt Gray
Matt Gray's mini course offer is actually unique to newsletter creators, so we're going to start there.
Matt offers a "3 Secret Founder OS Courses" for $29 right as you subscribe to his newsletter, the same way we saw Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush offer their eBook bundle as a limited time offer.
Welcome Offers like this are EXTREMELY powerful, and I have actually talked a lot about how I used them to inject over $50,000 a year into my fitness newsletter.
That said, even with "3 Courses" in his welcome offer, the product still doesn't have (or need) a ton of depth at $29; and would definitely be considered a mini-course.
Note: Chances are Matt is also repurposing these videos/courses from something he was originally using for the full Founder OS (especially considering it just got an update).
Mini Courses make a great Low Ticket Offer, and can also double function as a Welcome Offer as well.

Codie Sanchez
Codie Sanchez also has a mini course that I'd place as a Low Ticket Offer, and I specifically wanted to make mention to it in this one because it's priced a bit higher than what we're seeing among the rest of the products in this deep dive.
Codie sells her Seller Financing Navigator course for $100, which is significantly less than her other products, and currently acts as her lowest ticket offer.
(I say "currently" because Codie has her book launch coming soon, and the book will become the lowest ticket offer and drive her entire funnel with our Foot In The Door Technique starting their.)
Note: The important thing to realize here is that "Low Ticket" can be relevant to the niche and product suite of the creator that is selling it.
Codie also sells:
- Main Street Accelerator: $2,000
- Contrarian Community: $10,000
Which makes her $100 mini-course fall into a Low Ticket Offer Category.
Compare that to Jay Clouse's product suite that ranges from $39-297, making the $30-$50 range the lower ticket sweet spot.

Paid Newsletters
I'm in a weird place where I'm not the biggest fan of paid newsletters as a business model, but I also think they are extremely relevant and can be a great way to make recurring revenue as a newsletter creator.
The reason I don't always love them is that some creators need to essentially build a community around them and end up having to give WAY too much value than the price point they can sell at because they position as a "Paid Newsletter" instead of a "Community".
(We'll discuss Communities in our Mid Ticket Offer Deep Dive).
BUT, if you find a way to add a paid newsletter to an overall off stack (or in some cases part of the core monetization strategy if you have an extremely broad niche topic newsletter), then it can be amazing.
One of my favorite examples is Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter: Letters from an American.
The pricing table you see in the image above is how she monetizes her daily newsletter.
As you can see, the price is just $5 a month (or $50 a year), and gives you access to exclusive posts, the ability to post comments and join the community, and the full archive of newsletters.
From what I was able to find, Richardson is making well over a million dollars per month just from her $5 per month paid newsletter.
And being that her niche isn't something that would cater well to a course or other typical monetization strategies, a paid newsletter is a massive unlock.

The Best Low Ticket Offer For YOU!
By now you should notice that the Low Ticket Offer you decide on will depend on a number of different factors.
Things like (but not limited to):
- Your Niche
- Your Product Suite
- Your Business Model
- Your Own Personal Preference
The offers we discussed in this deep dive are just 5 of the different types of Low Ticket Offers you can consider using to start your value ladder.
And, as you can see from a creator like Jay Clouse: they don't necessarily have to be limited to just one Low Ticket Offer.
My Personal Favorite(s)
My personal favorite Low Ticket Offers are eBooks and Mini Courses.
But I would never say one LTO is better than the rest without knowing the specific circumstances of the individual creator.
That said, I have made a lot of money with eBooks with my fitness newsletter.
And now with Creator Newsletters my Low Ticket Offers are [currently]:
- SuperThread Mastery (Playbook)
- The Perfect Welcome Flow Template (Exclusive Offer)
- Newsletter Growth Mini Course (Exclusive Offer)
- Content Authority Secrets Mini Course (Exclusive Offer)
But that doesn't mean a paid newsletter and workshops are completely off my radar, depending on what you guys need/want in the future!