
The Best High Ticket Offers For Your Newsletter

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High Ticket Offers Newsletter

This deep dive is technically part three of making our way through our value ladder:

  1. Low Ticket Offer
  2. Mid Ticket Offer
  3. High Ticket Offer

And we have a ton of other deep dives that are going to work hand-in-hand with this one as well.

That said, here's where you should absolutely start after reading this:

  1. The Best Low Ticket Offers For Your Newsletter
  2. The Best Mid Ticket Offers For Your Newsletter

You'll learn all about the best ways to start building out your offer stack, what a "Value Ladder" is, and what we want it to look like.

And here are a couple other deep dives you probably want to read through as well: 

Both of these are extremely important; especially if you end up niching into an area that is a Media Brand monetization style. 

You will have an extremely hard time trying to sell a high ticket offer with your newsletter.

Specificity is king.

I should also preface this with the fact that I have sold over 7 figures online without using high ticket products, but have also scaled a high ticket offer to over $100,000 per MONTH within 2 years.

All that to say: you do not NEED a high ticket offer to scale your business, BUT, if you like delivering on the high ticket offer it is an extremely effective way to scale to more revenue.

I personally prefer a slow and steady build around course sales and a mix of some of the LTOs and MTOs we went over in the other deep dives - but there are some HTOs on this list that can also fit well if done right.

Bonus Note: In this one we are going to be doing a deep dive on 4 different high ticket offers. We discussed cohorts within our Mid Ticket Offers, and these CAN technically get to the level of being a High Ticket Offer (and they were ranked very high on the freedom to price scale), so if you want to learn more about those I recommend going back and reading that deep dive as well.

High Ticket Offers

📬 Communities / Masterminds

Other than me mentioning cohorts in the note above, this will be the only overlap we see among our offers.

And, ironically enough, it's an offer that can land in EVERY SINGLE BRACKET!

If that wasn't clear, here's what I mean: Depending on the positioning and offer, communities can be found in Low Ticket, Mid Ticket AND High Ticket categories.

For this one we're specifically going to be focusing on High Ticket, of course - which is generally structured as an exclusive mastermind or vetted community.

We saw a vetted community from Jay Clouse in our mid ticket offers, so don't think just because there's an application/vetting process it HAS to be high ticket - but it definitely helps you get there.

📬Codie Sanchez's Community

In the image above you can see Codie Sanchez's "Flagship Community", which is an exclusive, highly vetted community that costs $10,000 to join.

Notice how you can't sign up without first booking a consult?

She's building on exclusivity. 

The way Codie runs her community is very similar to another model we'll discuss below "Evergreen Group Coaching", and that's what makes "Community" as an offer so flexible and capable of ending up in multiple offer categories.

When you join Codie's community you get:

  • Personalized Mentorship
  • Expert Speakers
  • Expert Office Hours
  • Deal Analysis
  • In Person Events
  • Weekly Team Calls
  • 3 Day Annual Conference

And more!

So you can see the deliverables consist of a lot more, and you'll see similarities in this style to Evergreen Group Coaching below - but that's the power of community.

📬 Russell Brunson Paid Mastermind

To show you even more of the power of communities, and the flexibility, I also wanted to add in a short example of an ultra exclusive paid mastermind group.

Brunson had a mastermind that was $50,000 per year for just 2 weekends.

He would host 2 exclusive weekends a year with 100 people making 7-8 figures in revenue. The price included putting all these people in a room together, and setting up the whole event (meeting hall, stage for people to give talks [which were the people that were part of the mastermind, because they ARE the experts], food, etc.).

This mastermind made him $5 MILLION dollars in revenue, for 4-6 days a year.

That's the power of highly exclusive, vetted communities.

High Ticket Offers (1)

📬 Evergreen Group Coaching

Next up we have Evergreen Group Coaching.

For this example we're going to be using Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush's Premium Ghostwriting Academy 

Evergreen group coaching is group coaching that stays open and also has a community aspect to it because the "coaching" is done in a group setting.

This can be weekly group calls, community forums, and a ton of different variables.

As the cost goes up it also generally has a 1-1 coach aspect that is NOT the creator you are purchasing the program from (think of them as a mentor), and then the actual hands on coaching from the creator (in this case think Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush) happen much more asynchronously, or in the group settings.

This offer also almost always comes with learning material.

The learning material is usually presented similar to regular course material due to the nature of the "evergreen" part of the offer.

Evergreen in this sense means that people can continue joining at any time, rather than a cohort style that opens and closes in cycles and runs in one blast with all members going through the material at the same time.

(We saw cohorts in our deep dive on mid ticket offers).

Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush are able to sell their Premium Ghostwriting Academy for $5,000-$7,500+ with this type of offer, but these offers can go for upwards of $10,000-$15,000 as well.

For example, Closers.io sell an evergreen group coaching package for $12,500 and then have an upsell 6 months through that is $24,000 with more of a hands-on and "Done For You" rather than "Done With You."

You can see Cole talk about his Evergreen Group Coaching model in a reel he posted on Instagram here.

High Ticket Offers (3)

📬 Coaching

Next up we're talking about 1-1 coaching.

This section will be very similar to the next category, which is Consulting.

The difference is going to be in the delivery.

The example I'm using above shows how Ben Meer structures his coaching offers.

He is able to charge $12,500 for a 12-week program that consists of 2 monthly calls, async support and customized training.

This price point for only 6 calls and async support shows you the leverage and authority he has.

MANY creators out there sell coaching for $3,000-$5,000 and have to offer 60 minute calls once per week and unlimited access to them for support.

So while this offer has the power to go higher ticket with a bit less work; it generally comes with a big trade-off in the time department - with the only exception being if you have tons of authority.

We saw this on display in our offer price to freedom scale.

Note: There's not much depth cover for this offer. There are many ways to structure a coaching offer, but I would personally prefer to go with another option.

Most "regular" coaching offers will end up trading dollars for hours. Similar to a personal trainer that sells training/coaching to one individual. 

Examples: Async Coaching, Evergreen Group Coaching, or Consulting.

High Ticket Offers (2)

📬 Consulting

Coaching and Consulting are very similar in how they can be structured in different ways, but Consulting can usually demand a higher price - making it a better trade-off.

One good way to explain the difference between consulting and consulting is this:

Coaches empower people to make changes from within, while consultants guide their clients to implement a plan for change.

By this definition you can tell that Ben Meer's personalized training and guidance is likely more similar to consulting, which is another reason he can charge more money.

In the example above we're looking at Dr. Gurner, who we recently saw in my deep dive on paid newsletters.

Dr. Gurner has thousands of raving fans paying monthly for her paid newsletter "Ultra Successful", but she also takes clients into her intensive consulting that costs $8,000 per month to join.

But there's another big difference we need to discuss.

Something I already alluded to in our "coaching" section above.

In order to sell consulting you must already be viewed as an expert.

Someone who can diagnose the problem and provide a specific solution.

Let's jump back to Russell Brunson for a second.

People pay him $100,000 for ONE DAY of consulting.

That's because he can go to the business, diagnose any issues that are holding them back from scaling, and provide a solution that will in turn result in FAR more than $100K in revenue over time.

Note: This is a good time to segway into the importance of choosing a High Ticket Offer that works specifically for your audience. 

As you can tell: Russell Brunson and Dr. Gurner's high ticket consulting offers only work because they're working with high earning individuals that are looking to level up their earnings even more. They could NOT charge beginners that same price point, even if it was the exact same deliverable.

Here's another example: We make $100K/month with my brother's agency. We can charge restaurant owners $10,000-$20,000 for the same material we could charge individual servers and bartenders $100-$1,000 for. 

What Offers To Sell In Your Newsletter (1)

📬 What High Ticket Offer Is Right FOR YOU?

You have to choose a high ticket offer based on 2 different factors:

  1. What is best for YOU.
  2. What is best for your AUDIENCE.

Hopefully there are a couple different answers for each, and 1-2 that can fit both.

Those 1-2 that fit both are your sweet spot.

Here's an example of my personal preferences:

  • Community: I don't love running communities. Takes A LOT of work, and often not high reward unless you have a lot of leverage. 
  • Coaching: I don't want to trade dollars for hours. Regular coaching is not an option for me.
  • Consulting: This is a viable option, but relies on me focusing my growth on a higher ticket audience, and I love helping a wide range of creators online.
  • Evergreen Group Coaching / Cohorts: These are my sweet spots. I can teach "One To Many" (meaning ONE, being me, to MANY, being a lot of creators at once).

Thankfully Evergreen Group Coaching and Cohorts are a viable option for my niche, so it's something I can consider scaling into over time.

Right now I am working on growing my Asynchronous Coaching which allows me to have a range of mid ticket offers.

But let's take a look at an example from a niche perspective...

Here's an example from the perspective of a personal training niche:

  • Community: Unable to turn fitness community into a high ticket offer. Would likely be low to mid ticket.
  • Coaching: This is a possibility. It will require trading dollars for hours, but can definitely be done.
  • Consulting: This doesn't really exist in this industry. It would likely be a different variation of coaching that involved something else leveling up the price point.
  • Evergreen Group Coaching / Cohorts: This would actually likely be structured as a group challenge, and would usually fall under low to mid ticket as well.

As you can see: not every niche has the opportunity to sell every type of high ticket offer.

But as a personal trainer you can easily decide to stick to low ticket and mid ticket offers, rather than trade dollars for hours, and sell to more people to make up for the loss of potential revenue.

Final Note: I have made over 7 figures with my fitness newsletter without a high ticket offer.

With the other newsletters that I have scaled, I always work my way up to a high ticket offer. I start with low ticket, validate my niche and offers, and then scale up to mid ticket offers before deciding on a high ticket offer that's best for both me and my audience.

You're seeing me do that with my personal brand in real time.

I started with a low ticket offer, then launched my course and worked my way into developing my async coaching offer around it. 

You'll now see me build out a high ticket offer that is the best fit for both me AND YOU.

📬 Build Your 6-Figure Creator Newsletter

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Founder of 📬 Creator Newsletters™.

Marketing Nerd, Gamer, Bibliophile, Ravenclaw, Dog-Dad (his name is Gimli), Tyrion Lannister's height.

Started Superhero Jacked (fitness newsletter and blog) while at college studying to be an English teacher, made over 7 figures by 30, featured in The New York Times, Business Insider and more. 

Now on a mission to help other creators unlock digital freedom with 6-figure Creator Newsletters.
