While I normally do deep dives sharing the tactics of a handful of different creators, this week's deep dive is going to have to be a bit different...
I'm going to be teaching you how the exact strategy I use to turn my newsletter into paid products.
So while I would love to give you a breakdown the same way I normally do, with other creators in here as well, I don't think it would be fair to show their paid products.
That said, I DO have multiple examples to pull from my own paid products!
Which means we won't just be looking at one product flywheel, but a handful.
If you're new to building a newsletter flywheel you can also jump into deep dives like:
In that second deep dive we learn how ONE weekly newsletter can flywheel to be:
- Your blog articles and SEO.
- Your website growth/CTA flywheel.
- Your resource hub for your audience.
- Your entire social media growth flywheel.
- Your base for the paid products you make.
- Your evergreen paid acquisition growth funnel.
- ... where more than 90% of your revenue will come from.
And I have had tons of questions from you guys asking for more information and examples on how you can flywheel your newsletter to paid products.
Which makes sense considering I normally give visual examples (I'm also a visual learner), but this specific topic has been harder to do that.
So, as always, I'm holding NOTHING back and I've giving you all the secrets right here in this free deep dive, including screenshots of my own paid products.

✍️ Why Do People Buy Your Offers...?
In order to make sense of this entire flywheel we first need to know why people are buying your offers.
And I'm not talking about the specific marketing psychology tactics we can use to get people to buy (that's a topic for a different deep dive) ... I'm referring to the thing they want by purchasing...
As Alex Hormozi says: "People pay for speed and convenience."
This means people will pay THE SAME EXACT CONTENT, just delivered differently:
- Text-Based Curation
- Video Content Curation
- Curation + Accountability
- Curation + Accountability + Coaching
And, of course, there are different variations of each of these things.
Here are a few examples for each:
- Text-Based Curation: This can be done with books like my playbooks, or even mini-courses, swipe files, and other things that make it faster and easier for people (speed and convenience).
- Video Content Curation: This is the next level of curation. It often requires you to go another step in your own process and take the time to record a course and/or content for your audience, but many also find it easier to consume (though, many like me also don't...) and are willing to pay more for it.
- Curation + Accountability: This can be a cohort, challenge, community or other form of accountability and feedback that doesn't necessarily give people too much direct access to you and your expertise, but still adds a layer.
- Curation + Accountability + Coaching: This is the highest ticket price point, where people get direct access to you and your expertise. This can also be group coaching, community, live events, etc. -- but the layer of coaching is more access.
(If you really like learning about specific offers, I have plenty of deep dives for that as well, including breakdowns at each level of low ticket, mid ticket, high ticket, and more.)
The above examples are what allow us to repurpose our content in so many ways.
This is how our newsletter becomes the engine of our entire business, including our paid products.
So for the rest of the deep dive I will be going through examples of how I repurpose my deep dives into specific products.
💡 Quick Instructor Timeout:
I was recently on a call with Text-Based OS cohort members trying to show them the exact engines you’re learning in this playbook and it was extremely hard and time consuming for me to find each one...
Having to jump in and out of deep dives and scroll through thousands of words...
And I'm the one that wrote it all!!!
I already know these engines are so insanely powerful, but that gave me another lightbulb for a big teaching moment...
The fact that it is that hard EVEN FOR ME to go back through my content and find the exact example that was repurposed to paid material is the EXACT reason why people are willing to pay for the curation at different levels.

✍️ Example #1: Repurposing to SuperThread Mastery
For my first example I'm going to be going through some of the ways I repurposed specific content to my playbook SuperThread Mastery.
The playbook helps text-based creators:
- Master the art of viral writing.
- Discover your niche and brand identity.
- Build an audience with long form threads.
- Establish themselves as THE go-to authority.
- Ascend their audience to your newsletter and products by providing overwhelming value.
So instead of sitting down to write over 200 pages on the topic in one shot, I repurposed content and examples I have already taught into a neatly packaged guide that has exploded since launching it.
Let's take a look at some specific examples of this:

🔎 Repurpose #1: Curiosity Gap Example Inside SuperThread Mastery
The first example is a section inside SuperThread Mastery covering curiosity gap.
This is something I have also taught in my deep dive on The Anatomy Of The Perfect Text-Based Social Post.
(Hint...the reason why I covered it in that deep dive was because I knew I would need to cover and expand on it while writing the playbook).
As you can see, one of the examples I used to highlight the curiosity gap was one of Mr. Beast's videos.
That same exact example was then used to showcase the lesson inside SuperThread Mastery, and expanded on into a full chapter covering Hooks & Curiosity Gap.

🔎 Repurpose #2: Borrowing Authority & Leveraging Familiarity
The next example is a section inside SuperThread Mastery covering how people can borrow authority and leverage familiarity.
This is something I teach quite often, but I love being able to teach with visual examples of top creators using the tactics we're learning.
It helps emphasize the importance and show the impact, but the visual examples also add that extra touch that really helps me implement things myself.
In this example you can see I not only took the visual example, but I even broke it down the same exact way I had in the deep dive.
I made some slight changes in how I taught the topic in the surrounding pages, and expanded on it with more examples and depth, but this specific repurpose is extremely impactful.
🔎 The Success Of SuperThread Mastery
People are LOVING it.
I have had people more than quadruple their following in under 10 days and gain thousands and thousands of followers.
And, as of writing this, the playbook released less than a month ago...
Note: This isn't an exaggeration. You can scroll the page here and see countless testimonials that continue coming in daily about how much value the playbook is bringing people.
💡 Quick Instructor Timeout:
SuperThread Mastery is a low ticket offer that is meant to overdeliver and build trust with my audience.
As a consumer, I will HAPPILY pay for someone's top lessons to be curated and expanded on into a neat playbook that makes it easier and faster to level up the specific value proposition and promise they are making.

✍️ Example #2: Repurposing to Newsletter Course
For my second example I'm going to be going through some of the ways I repurposed specific content to my video course The 2-Hour Newsletter System.
The goal of the course is to help people launch, grow and monetize their newsletter as the engine of their entire creator business.
Now that you know a bit more about what I'm teaching, these examples will be a bit easier to portray...so let's dive right in:

🔎 Repurpose #1: The Newsletter Business Models
It's essential to know the three newsletter business models I teach:
- Creator Newsletters
- Media Brand Newsletters
- Hybrid Newsletters
I teach people how to specifically build Creator and/or Hybrid Newsletters, but they need to understand the difference between all three in order to understand how their niche impacts their business model as well.
But why am I telling you this...?
Because..if this is a CORE lesson of how I teach my unique mechanism for building the most profitable creator newsletter...then how could I NOT teach it in both deep dives AND my paid products.
I would be doing my audience a disservice.
So, if you purchase my 2-Hour Newsletter System course you will get a lesson breaking down the newsletter business models as well.
Instead of reading through a 3,000+ word deep dive, you will watch a 6-8 minute video that fits nicely into a much larger course that has been curated for you to achieve the ultimate goal of the offer [which we discussed above].

🔎 Repurpose #2: The Newsletter Business Models
As with SuperThread Mastery, the examples I could give for this course are endless.
That said, I'm doing my best to share examples that are extremely easy to visually see the repurposing.
(For example: the sections and lessons that are literally titled the same exact way)!
In the above example you see:
- My deep dive titled "The 5 Must Have Sections Of Every Creator Newsletter"
- My 9 minute video lesson teaching "The Must Have Sections Of Every Creator Newsletter" in the larger video course.
And by now you probably have a few questions...
🔎 Newsletter -> Paid Repurposing Q&A
Let's go through some of the questions I'm sure you guys have about repurposing from your newsletter to paid products:
(And some I make up on purpose to be able to teach a deeper lesson).
- Are all of the lesson and topics repurposed as simply as this?
I wish!
There are A LOT of big topics that can be nicely repurposed into a sub-chapter or main lesson in a course, but part of your job is to master the repurposing and curation of the product. That's what you're being paid for.
- Is the entire product repurposed from your newsletter?
Again, I wish!
A LOT of it is, but there are topics that need to be expanded on and complete sections that need to be added so that each chapter, lesson and module make sense as one cumulative product taking your audience to the end goal you're delivering.
- Do you ever repurpose from your products to your newsletter?
I don't want to say never...but not really.
I almost always plan out a product in advance based on my own unique mechanism and how I can deliver my audience a result, and then with that I can see the gaps in what I will need to teach them.
Those gaps need to be filled with lessons, which I start by filling by writing a newsletter / deep dive for.
- Why do you give this information away for free in the newsletter/deep dives?
The value proposition of my newsletter is the same as my overall promise for my audience.
My goal is to help text-based creators write their way to digital freedom.
So I give away insane value in my newsletter knowing that there will always be a percentage of people that pay for speed and convenience.
- Why would I buy your paid products if you give away so much free value in your newsletter deep dives?
That one is easy: Speed and Convenience.
Bonus: you trust me more than most people BECAUSE of the free value I give...
💡 Bonus Instructor Timeout:
I wrote this deep dive not only to deliver a ton of value to you guys and answer the questions that were coming in asking for help with it...but also because it will now be a section in my next playbook Creator Newsletter Mastery.
And guess what...I now have plenty visual examples for that chapter. 😉

✍️ How To Start Repurposing To Products
Do. Not. Rush. This. Process!
You aren't going to start by immediately being able to map out your product and then build newsletter topics around the research you need to do in order to fulfill the promises of those products.
It just doesn't happen like that...
BUT, if you set out with a very specific promise and value proposition for your audience and your goal is to help them achieve it, it will begin happening organically.
Here's what is going to happen:
- By teaching the lessons...
- Doing more research than most people are willing to do...
- Giving away more value for free than most people are willing to give...
- Going the extra mile not only for your own research, but also for your audience...
You will begin developing your own unique mechanism for how you can teach your audience to accomplish your promised goal (value proposition).
Your first product will likely be a culmination of newsletters you've written in the past.
You may write 20 newsletters and only only end up turning 7 of them into your first product, while the rest of them just deliver value and wait to be used in different ways.
But over time you will become ahead of the curve and start planning your newsletters to do the research beforehand.