🧵 SuperThreads Of The Week #01

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Welcome to SuperThreads Of The Week.

The newest edition of my newsletter designed to help explode your text based social growth as the fuel to your newsletter engine.

Here's what you'll be getting:

  • 3 SuperThreads that did extremely well
  • A breakdown of why each resonated
  • A templated version you can steal
  • My own example for inspiration

Don't worry, you'll still be getting my regular weekly deep dives, but they'll be hitting your inbox on Friday instead of Saturday!

SuperThreads Of The Week is your secret weapon for growing on Threads (and Bluesky, Twitter, LinkedIn and more)!

🧵 SuperThread Mastery

Master the art of viral writing and build a freedom based business.

The ultimate guide to viral writing, dominating your niche, growing on Threads, and unlocking digital freedom

⛽ The Legacy Template

🧠 Why It Works

  • He leverages familiarity by immediately using Ernest Hemingway's name (which also borrows his credibility and authority).
  • He gets us excited by building on how impressive Hemingway was.
  • He builds a curiosity gap (the gap between what we know and what we want to know) by building hype, but not giving anything away.

📋 The Template

[Famous Person]'s [adjective] [habit/routine] and [passion/skill] for [craft/field] shaped their [adjective] [output/approach/legacy], which later [verb] them as a [adjective] [title/legacy].

Here’s a [peek/glimpse] into their [specific topic/practice].

✍️ My Example

Albert Einstein's relentless curiosity and passion for physics shaped his groundbreaking theory of relativity, which later revolutionized our understanding of the universe.

Here’s a peek into his passion for discovery. 🧵

⏸️ Timeout: What is a SuperThread?

A SuperThread is a long-form, high value threaded post.

We're analyzing the hook and first post, but each post is a longer threaded-post AKA SuperThread.

⛽ Vulnerable Connection Template

🧠 Why It Works

  • She stops us in our tracks with vulnerability (evoking emotions like sympathy, compassion, and even admiration).
  • She relates to her audience, knowing exactly how to speak to them as if they're good friends sharing intimate stories.
  • She builds curiosity gap as she starts a story we need to know more of.

📋 The Template

[Personal struggle or major life event] led me to realize [self-critical realization]. Whatever part of me that [action/decision] clearly didn't work. So, I set out to [action taken to solve the issue or learn something new].

✍️ My Example

When I failed my first online business, I thought maybe I just didn’t have what it takes to make money writing online. I felt like I was doing something wrong and started doubting myself.

But I refused to give up. I decided to be stubborn and create the business I wanted, rather than try to copy what others were doing.

🧵 Have a SuperThread you want featured?

Saw a SuperThread (long form, high value thread) or have one of your own you'd like to see featured in next week's Tuesday Fuel?

Email me at [email protected] or tag me on Threads.

⛽ Time vs. Value Hook Template

🧠 Why It Works

  • He uses The Labor Illusion Effect with his first line to hook us.
  • He establishes/leverages his credibility by stating "from a Psychologist".
  • He immediately starts a list to inform us we should keep reading for more.
  • He builds a curiosity gap, making us wonder what big insight it may have taken so long to discover.

📋 The Template

[Timeframe it took to learn] to realize this, and I will tell you in [short timeframe to deliver insight] (from [credible source/authority figure])... Start first insight.

✍️ My Example

It took me 5 years to realize this and I will tell you in 4 minutes (from a 7-figure internet writer)... 1. Everyone has imposter syndrome. It's when you DON'T that you have to worry.

✍️ Ready to write your way to digital freedom?

Join thousands of other text based creators learning how to grow an audience online and monetize it with a six figure creator newsletter in 1-2 hours a day.

100% Free. Unsubscribe anytime.

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Founder of ✍️ text based creator™.

Marketing Nerd, Gamer, Bibliophile, Ravenclaw, Dog-Dad (his name is Gimli), Tyrion Lannister's height.

Started Superhero Jacked (fitness newsletter and blog) while at college studying to be an English teacher, made over 7 figures by 30, featured in The New York Times, Business Insider and more. 

Now on a mission to help other text based creators unlock digital freedom writing online.
