I recently did a carousel on LinkedIn discussing how top creators repost and repurpose their content to increase views, but it focused on how creators repost and repurpose on ONE platform.
Example: How a creator reposts their content on LinkedIn specifically, after a certain amount of time goes by.
This time we're going to be talking about how creators repurpose and repost their content to DIFFERENT platforms.
Example: How a creator reposts or repurposes content from LinkedIn to Twitter and Instagram.
We'll be taking a look at how:
- Nathan Bough Repurposes Content From Twitter to LinkedIn
- Ben Meer Repurposes Content from Twitter to LinkedIn and Instagram
- Amanda Goetz Reposts Content between Twitter and LinkedIn
- Brandon Romaine Reposts Content from TikTok, IG and FB Reels
- Disney (Yes, literally Disney) Recycles Content (Repurposes) Animated Scenes
With these methodologies they have been able to grow hundreds of thousands of followers across their platforms.
Depending on your specific content strategy one way may be better than another, so make sure to read through all of them and see which is best for you.

Nathan Baugh Repurposing Twitter to LinkedIn
To start us off we're going to be discussing Nathan Baugh.
Nathan currently has:
- Twitter: 247K Followers
- LinkedIn: 100K Followers
Nathan Baugh first started on Twitter in January of 2021 (originally for his sports newsletter Sideline Sports) and focused on strictly Twitter for over two years.
Nathan pivoted into storytelling early 2022 and after six months or so decided to start repurposing his content over to LinkedIn.
For this one I want to hyper-focus on one specific post, which is one of his highest (if not THE highest performing thread he has had on Twitter).
THE way to grow on Twitter from 2021ish to 2023ish was Threads.
Things have changed a bit now and reach is way low, but because this was THE way, I wanted to see how he went about repurposing the top post.
Nathan has now reposted/repurposed this a few times and different ways, but let's break down the main repurposing of the top thread.
- Nathan posted the thread: "The best opening scenes in movie history — and why:"
- Nathan repurposed the thread to a carousel on LinkedIn: "8 of the best opening scenes in movie history — and what they teach you about hooks:"
As you click through the thread you begin to see the repurposing:
- Twitter Thread: The Dark Knight - No backstory. Just an insane villain executing a brilliant plan. It makes you wonder who can stop him…
- LinkedIn Thread: The Dark Knight - No backstory. Just an insane villain executing a brilliant plan. It makes you wonder who can stop him…
The ONLY difference is the carousel is a PDF you're clicking through with images and the thread is tweets you're scrolling through with videos of the opening scenes that Nathan added to each individual tweet.

Ben Meer Repurposing Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram
Next up we have Ben Meer who absolutely exploded on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.
More often than not we actually see creators crush one platform and then begin repurposing to another platform, but I wanted to share Ben Meer specifically because he actually grew all three platforms at relatively the same time.
Ben Meer started in February 2022 and now has:
- Twitter: 365KFollowers
- LinkedIn: 535K Followers
- Instagram: 641K Followers
He did start on Twitter a handful of months before adding in Instagram and then waited another couple months before LinkedIn, but the growth was pretty consistent once he was posting on all three.
That said, you can usually find that all of his Instagram posts are repurposed from either Twitter or LinkedIn, but not all of his Twitter/LinkedIn posts make it over to Instagram.
Let's take a look at this example and see what he changes as he repurposes:
- Ben started the same way we saw Nathan start with a Twitter Thread, giving us a website per tweet.
- Ben then repurposed the same way as Nathan, turning his Thread into a LinkedIn Carousel, using the same exact image and text as each of the Tweets.
- Ben then repurposed over to an Instagram post (which he keeps super similar to his basic looking LinkedIn Carousel for VERY easy repurposing) and the only thing that changes here is his deletes the ninth slide because he can only add 10 images to Instagram.
Extremely simple, but extremely effective.

Amanda Goetz Repurposing Twitter to LinkedIn
Next up we have Amanda Goetz, and I love this example because I wanted you guys to see that it doesn't have to be complicated to start.
To start off, Amanda is one of the creators who went all in on one platform, crushed it and then decided to repurpose.
That first platform was Twitter, and she recently (in the last 6 months or so) started repurposing over to LinkedIn as well, and was extremely open about how she was just reposting from one to the other.
Here's Amanda's follower account on each platform:
- Twitter: 110K Followers
- LinkedIn: 25K Followers
Obviously a massive difference here, but Amanda has been having a ton of success with her repurposing (reposting) strategy.
Amanda wrote in a post about two months ago that she finally decided to start taking LinkedIn seriously in August of 2023 after 4 years of building on Twitter.
She writes about a 2 month test she did and came away with:
- 2k followers on Twitter with 12M+ impressions
- 8k followers on LinkedIn with 443k impressions
Pretty crazy!
There are about a billion people on LinkedIn right now, and only 1% of them are actually creating content.
Which is one of the many reasons it is my main platform for 2024.

Brandon Romaine Repurposing TikTok to Instagram and Facebook Reels
In this section I want to talk about short form video considering we have had a few case studies on creators that have absolutely CRUSHED it with short form video repurposing and reposting to other platforms.
For this one I'm going to focus on my brother's business The Restaurant Launch being that we scaled him to 10K within 6 months and 100K within the first year of his first video last year - all with short form video and repurposing/posting.
But, if you'd like another resource, you can also check out my case study on Slader Kodish.
While repurposing is fairly easy on Twitter, LinkedIn and even Instagram - it's actually even easier with short form video.
We're in a period of time where the same exact short form video content is working on tons of different platforms all at once.
(TikTok, IG Reels, FB Reels and YouTube Shorts being the most prominent, but depending on the niche, they even work on LinkedIn and Twitter).
That said, we were able to grow my brother's social platforms to:
- TikTok: 55K Followers
- Instagram: 40K Followers
- Facebook: 15K Followers
Without changing a single thing in any of the videos....
This is exactly what we did (and still do) for every video:
- Create video "for" TikTok using CapCut
- Post to TikTok
- Download without Watermark using free tools
- Repost to Instagram and Facebook Reels
This got him an extra 55K followers that he wouldn't have had if he didn't take an extra 5-10 minutes each day to repurpose.

Worried About Repurposing? Disney Remixing (Repurposing) In Their Animated Films
Repurposing or revamping content is nothing new: even Disney has notoriously done it countless times in their animated movies.
The images above are just four of the MANY examples shared in Cartoon Hangover's amazing YouTube video titled: Every Recycled Disney Shot & Why.
So if you're thinking about repurposing content to other platforms:
- Start Simple
- Remember Everything Is A Test
- Find A Way To Put Your Own Spin
Oh! And one last thing:
This article will be repurposed into a LinkedIn Carousel and a Twitter Thread! 🙂
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