How Max Grew His YouTube Psychology Element to 200K and $10K+ Per Month!

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Psychology Element Case Study

Max was one of the first members to ever utilize my unique way of finding signature series in his business.

He went from working full time with a side gig delivering food for extra money, to a YouTube channel he can run in 10 hours a week 

He had tried what felt like a million different things online, but none of them were panning out the way they promised.

We had actually known each other from Superhero Jacked (Max is also in the Plus Ultra membership over there).

So when he reached out to me to ask if I could help him implement the methodology on a YouTube channel he was considering (after seeing the success of Superhero Jacked's YouTube), it was an easy yes.

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Psychology Element Breakdown

Right off the bat we led with the niche, but branded wide, just like we do inside The Accelerator.

Max wanted to be in the psychology niche, but I told him he had to go deeper.

We could make the brand name larger, for future growth, but we needed to get more specific with who we were targeting and give our audience a reason to keep coming back for more videos (and subscribe) once they showed interest.

So we decided on dark psychology, but quickly grew into layers of relationships and how they're effected (and can be helped) by what Max was teaching in his videos.

Let's get into some stats:

  • Total Subscribers: 200,000+
  • Income Highlight: $10,000 within 12 Months
  • Early Video Highlights: Sixth Video Hit 90K+ Views

The awesome part about this one is the fact that everything is hosted right on YouTube.

Max didn't want to have to deal with hosting his own website, and he wasn't keen on needing to collect leads and sell to people, so he was okay with growing for views and ad revenue and potentially adding different monetization routes later on.

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Psychology Element's Signature Series

As I mentioned above: we really dove into the specific niche and found the sweet spot that he loved to discuss and research, but also the direction people liked to hear about it from.

There are two types of videos that did really well within the niche we chose, but we also realized that the specific sub topics within the overall niche were a key factor in the views/clicks./

They are essentially mini-niches within the sub-niche of the whole brand.

Similar to how my site Superhero Jacked went from having celebrity workouts and diets, to also introducing superhero inspired workouts, anime workouts, and even other fandoms.

🚀 What Is Psychology Element's Signature Series?

There are two big signature series types that Max utilized to grow the channel, but one of them stand out and is a big factor in every sub niche he discusses.

Here are a couple signature series, and then we will discuss a bit more about what I'm referring to:

  1. Personality Types like (a big figure, like Jon Snow, Walter White or The Joker)
  2. Read People Like Sherlock

These are hyper-repeatable and follow a similar structure, and Max has had over 50 videos just between these two playlists.

🚀 Signature Series Deep Dive

One of the biggest things that Max has had success with is leading with lists.

Regardless of which sub content he does, he generally leads with a list, whether that's 7 things, 13, 16, or somewhere in between.

Lists have proven to make the structure extremely repeatable and just another addition to making his content super easy and effective for both him and his viewers.

Here are a handful of examples of lists in different sub-topics: 

  • 13 Signs You're an INFJ - the Rare "Jon Snow" Personality
  • 10 Tactics to Put a Narcissist in Their Place
  • 10 Problems Only Smart People Have
  • 6 Signs You're an INTP like Neo from The Matrix
  • 13 Clear Traits of a Psychopath (How To Spot Them)

Lists are winning the day for Max's content, and also making it extremely easy for him to have a specific structure he can put together each time.

Let's move down into some of the layers Max has added onto his content as he grew into the larger brand, after niching down.

Signature Series Layers And Creator Type

For this one I want to discuss a few things.

Max is only on YouTube, so our SS Layer discussion will be a bit different than you may be used to (we generally discuss repurposing to other platforms, or even reposting like my brother did to Instagram and Facebook to add millions of views and an extra 50K followers); but for this one we'll be discussing:

  • Creator Type
  • Sub-Niches

Let's start with the Creator Type, because Max actually does this in an extremely unique way, and pairs a bunch together.

🚀 Lesson On Creator Types

In the article about how I built Superhero Jacked with my own signature series, I talked about specific Creator Types.

Here are some of the examples I discussed:

  • The Authority: Leveraging past experiences to teach as the authority within a niche. (I do this with my personal brand. Also, think of Alex Hormozi.)
  • The Researcher: Leveraging other authorities via case studies and research. (Like Superhero Jacked, for example)
  • The Teacher: Similar to The Authority and Researcher, but teaching as you learn, or teaching under a specific brand.
  • The Entertainer: Leading with comedy, stories, and specific niche entertainment.
  • The Media Brand: Leveraging other professionals with their entertainment or authority. (Think Barstool Sports)
  • The Mix and Match: The most effective type is going to be when you pull multiple aspects together! (You'll notice Superhero Jacked does this when we get into the SS Layers)

In this case, Max is actually leveraging the Mix and Match with:

  • The Researcher: Max leverages big known figures in pop culture to borrow authority and discuss their personality type. He is also doing research on the specific sub-niches he discusses which leads into...
  • The Teacher: Max is also teaching as he learns these subjects, and doesn't always have to come in from the researcher perspective.

The biggest lesson I want to point out here is borrowing authority

Even though this isn't the typical authority we might see, similar to how I borrowed authority from celebrities and their trainers to keep me from being just another jacked personal trainer with a bunch of certifications - Max leverages prominent figures to use their "authority" or timely relevance to make it more digestible and alluring to his audience.

🚀 SS Layers: Sub Niches

One layer that Max has dominated is his sub niches.

Max realized lists were a great way to make his content repeatable and follow a specific structure, and used that to grow into tons of different sub niches within his main niche.

He now has tons of playlists allowing his audience to binge his content.

Here are some playlists he has grown into:

  • Empaths
  • Narcissism
  • Social Skills
  • Self Discovery
  • Dark Psychology
  • Personality Types
  • Dark Personalities
  • Love and Relationships
  • Read People Like Sherlock

A lot of videos overlap into multiple playlists, but Max has even more than this, with a total of 16 different playlists of sub niches you may be interested in within his overall larger niche of dark psychology, relationships, empaths and behavior.

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How To Replicate Max's Success

There are a few takeaways from Psychology Element that I want to highlight.

Max's signature series isn't as obvious as some of our other examples, but we can learn a lot from his success.

That said, here are some clear takeaways from Psychology Element's Creator Case Study:

  1. Lead With Lists
  2. Borrow Authority
  3. Dive Into The Niche
  4. Add On Sub-Niches
  5. You Don't Have To Add Platforms

Signature series have allowed him to go from full time work and a side job delivering food at night ... to working 10 hours a week on his channel and bringing in $10,000+ a month in ad revenue and sponsorships.

And guess what: Max loves it.

He has plans to start two more channels in niches he is super passionate about.

So remember: Build a business you wake up excited about, to live the life you dream about.

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Founder of 📬 Creator Newsletters.

Marketing Nerd, Gamer, Bibliophile, Ravenclaw, Dog-Dad (his name is Gimli), Tyrion Lannister's height.

Started Superhero Jacked (fitness newsletter and blog) while at college studying to be an English teacher, made over 7 figures by 30, featured in The New York Times, Business Insider and more. 

Now on a mission to help other creators unlock digital freedom using newsletters.
